Part VI: Be Blessed

1. What does the word "Blessed" mean? - good luck - happy
- have what you want
- ???
2. How can you tell if someone is blessed?
- hopeful
- depressed
- happy
- peaceful
- ???
3. Is being blessed a mindset?
- No, explain
- Yes, why
- others
4. How to discover your blessings?
- work hard
- nothing
- pray
- ???
5. What does the Bible teach on this topic?
poor in spirit
What is your challenge on this matter?
Part V: Peace and Harmony

When you hear the word “harmony”, what comes to your mind?
1. Symphony
2. A beautiful garden
3. Occean
4. A loving family
5. Circle of life
Definition of "harmony":
What is the difference between harmony and peace?
1. Dream vs. reality
2. Desire vs. consequence
3. Outward vs. inward
4. Attitude vs. decision
5. Out of your control vs. in your control
Food for thought:

How can we find peace and harmony in a world appears to be filled with conflicts?
Observation 1
Everyone and everything are doing their best for themselves.
Your view: giving us an example to support your view.
Observation 2
We are more alike than you think, but at a different place of a lifelong journey.
Your view: providing an example to support your view.
Question: Since we are on a journey, do you have a guide? Share with us your best practice to achieve harmony in life?
What is the Best-Known Method (BKM) for life to you?
Scripture of the hour:
Part IV: What to do when facing the unexpected!

What are some typical responses when we face an unexpected "bad" situation?
Can you share your experience of a "bad" situation?
Why shouldn't we close the book?
How can we start a new chapter of our lives?
The author suggested to do the following:
1. Pause before you act.
2. Don’t assume that the things you don’t want are bad.
3. Plan for everything to turn out well.
4. Trust in your ability to be OK.
What is our anchor/foundation that allows us to do so?
1. Remember you are loved.
2. There is a better way.
3. I am blind but want to see.
END _________________________________________________________________________
Part III: Reimagine and reignite the dreams!

1. Watch a video of "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod," a poem by Eugene Field (4 minutes).
2. Read the text of the poem:
3. Share your thoughts about the poem. a. Did it remind you of your childhood dreams? b. What is your interpretation of the poem? c. What role do dreams play in our lives?
d. Any other thoughts?
4. Discussion about the words and phrases?
a. Wynken, Blynken, and Nod .... what do they mean? b. sailed in a wooden shoe ... what kind of boat is this? c. river of crystal light ... what does it symbolize? d. sea of crystal dew ... why not sea of water?
e. Ruffled the waves of dew ... what does it mean?
f. Why do the mothers sing this poem to their children?
g. Do you have questions about any other words and phrases?
5. Conclusion: Why do we choose this poem?

The end.
Part II: how we think determine how we feel!

1. Can you share one thing you are grateful for today?
2. Among all things you did today, what is the percentage you think you did correct/right?
a. 10%
b. 50%
c. 90%
d. 99%
e. 100%
Please share your answer with us and explain why.
3. How we think determines who we are and our well-being. Why aren’t we always thinking outside the box?
a. We are creatures of habits, and most habits are good.
b. We are not capable of thinking outside the box.
c. We are lazy.
d. We feel safe in a box.
e. We are efficient and effective when staying in the box.
Please share your thoughts. There is no right or wrong answer.
4. When was the last time you thought outside the box, and what caused you to do so?
5. Can we and should we proactively think outside the box?
The end.
Part I: Do you really know what you want?

1. The world is full of things; do you know what you want?
a. Why is this an important question?
b. What could happen to you if you are pursuing the wrong goal?
c. Can you think about an example of when you know what you want and when you do not know what you want?
2. How do you know what you want is truly what you want? a. How are our desires formed?
b. How can we balance our desires? 3. What do you think you can and should not do?
Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Proverb 9:10: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.